Monday, October 25, 2010

Moved to 25NL

Graph looks pretty ugly.  I ran stupid good at 25NL when I moved up too, I really should be down a good chunk (about 65 above EV now).  I suppose it makes up for all the run bad I had at 10NL, but I seriously need to stop spewing before I lose it all.  One was a 3BI pot with KK that a donkey slow played his 88 set til the river and I bluff catched.  There goes 37 bucks.  Stupid donkeys, should have known they would do something stupid like that.  Another common trend it looks like is slow playing AA. Welcome to 2004.  lol.  Limping/cold calling no matter what seems to be the new trend.  Way to get paid idiots.  I've already cracked them a few times and it feels good since they'll call every bet on every street thinking they're trapping.

My roll is at ~533.  I am going to move back down to 10NL if I hit 450, and grind it back up to 500 and take another shot.  I think the only chance I have of hitting black card is playing 25NL so it is a necessary move that I might as well try taking shots earlier than later.

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