Sunday, October 31, 2010

Ship it!

I may have found a new game!  Ship it hollaaaa.  I got 8th in another one of these earlier today too.  I played about 8-10 games.  I am on a stupid downswing in cash games and its been mentally draining.  Can't win a flip to save my life, plus the 10NL games seemed to be pretty dried up this weekend, not sure what's up with that.  I may play 8-10 of these a night and see how I do.  I can probably play 200 before I go busto if I just got lucky.  They seemed pretty soft to me, when it got to heads up, I was in control and very confident I was better than the guy I was playing.  He got me down to about 70k to his 200k but I clawed back and won it.

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