So last night was pretty interesting. Took a short stint at 10nl and of course, the poker gods frowned upon me again. Here's one of the hands I lost, I knew he didn't have an A, but didn't expect him to have what he did so turned up as a surprise unfortunately.
Yea, kind of crappy. The other hand I got coolered on was AQ vs AK where we were all in at the turn for 50bbs against some silly fish. So there was this other player, G, that I absolutely abused last night. I saw him at 10nl and after losing a buyin I dropped down to my usual limits, 5nl where I saw him again. The abuse continued. Guy is terrible, I had a few hands with him before last night where he got it all in against me KK vs AT and he sucked out on me. Here's hand #1 at 10NL:
thought process "I HAZ GUTSHOT N OVERZLOL".
I drop down and the abuse continues at 5nl, won a pot for $2 w/ KQ vs his K7. Win another multiway where I check raise T67 rainbow w/ him on the button calling a .70 bet that I raise to 2.70 and both players folded. By now this guy thinks I'm just some aggro monkey. Then this gem of a hand pops up shortly after:
lol. Guy is just bad. A little later in the night, AGAIN:
So yea, this guy must've broken his keyboard I am suspecting. Slaughtered him. Getting a bit frustrating w/ the terrible luck at 10nl, but finished the night up $24.91, 3099 hands. Let's see how tonight goes if I have a chance to get on. I'm about to clear another $50 and also I'm only about 500 vpp from gold star for the first time ever, which will be pretty nice boost in fpp rate (1.5x to 2.0x).
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