Friday, September 17, 2010


Massive heater continues.  At one point i was running 35BB/100+ over around 1600 hands.

Love the weekends!

Thats the good news.  Now the bad news.. I traded 27.50 at PS for 27.50 at ftp just to mess around on rush poker FR since reading a thread at DC about how soft it was.  Whatever, I quit that site months ago to move to Stars because of the just absolutely sick run bad (I was like 20 buyins below EV it was just sick) and I go there, and the run bad continues something fierce.  F that site, I'm done with it.  Their rake system sucks anyway at the micros, I just figured if it was softer it would make up for it, but wth, I just made 30+ dollars an hour tonight lol, no way ftp will compare unless I play 25NL+, and I definitely don't want to transfer my roll over to that shithole.   I am just really happy my run good is continuing.  Hopefully I can clear another 100 over the next two days, will make for a $150 weekend... Nice pocket change!

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