Last night was an epic failure of a day at the tables. Seriously, I ran worse than I have ever run in my poker career. It wasn't even necessarily a ton of bad beats and coolers. I just NEVER hit on the flop or turn EVER. No top pair. Everyone calling my cbets everytime. It was just silly.
Nobody would call my pfr with AA/KK/QQ. I was actually opening up a bit looser to try to catch something, ANYTHING, but that wasn't working and people were still folding pre to my 3-4bb raise with these premiums. Of course they always called when I had junkier stuff.
I think I won a total of 5 dollars over 4k hands or something stupid with AK/AA/KK/QQ. Even filtering for AA/KK/QQ i won only 15 dollars over 4k hands. Normally I win at least twice that over that sample and sometimes 3 times that.
Then I lost a couple of 4bet hands against this aggro f'in DONKEY who was 3betting 45%. I caught AK against him once and tried to bluff him out but he was simply a station on a very dry flop. Of course I didn't catch an A or K (didn't catch it all night, and if I did I was facing a straight or a set) and he raised my turn bet so I was done with the hand. Overall, I am not really displeased with my play. I may have tilted away one buy in, but I ended up down 10 buyins. It was run-bad of epic proportion. The biggest pot I lost was only for 110bb, it wasn't like I was getting it in super light and deep and losing 2BI at a time. Just ridiculous, but whatever, it can't last forever, and I guess if this makes the fish think they can beat this game, the more power to them.
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