Hey guys, this is my new poker blog. I am a micro player that grinds out the micro stakes as a hobby 24 tabling. I play pretty TAG style, but I throw some weird moves in every now and then that either wins me a big pot without showdown or costs me a lot sometimes too. :) I quit for a couple of months due to an accident I had on my bicycle (broken collarbone, ribs, etc.), and it just so happened Starcraft 2 came out shortly after during my recovery so I played that a month or so. But it always comes back around to poker and so I'm back and this time looking to break out of 5NL where I am a top 50 winner on PTR for the year at pokerstars. I'll be looking to post bad beats, awesome suckouts, discuss strategy, and just other general poker stuff.
I got a new computer in July so this lifetime graph is really just end of august to present.
the obvious 10nl shots are in there, and its just bad beat after cooler over and over everytime it seems i move up. So I may just try to add like 3-4 tables and see if I can get to a positive win rate slowly.
but, here's my 5nl graph in bb... i run sick goot, but all the coolers at 10nl more than make up for my run goot.
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