Thursday, September 16, 2010

First Time Goldstar

Made Goldstar for the first time this month.  Have been putting in some decent volume, but working like mad too at my day job is cramping my style, so not really playing as much as I'd really like to at times.  I guess I'm addicted to the grind.  Even though I make 3-4x at my day job what I make grinding the micros, I still find it a rather interesting game and it's a hobby that's fun and actually makes money.  How many hobbies do you know that MAKE money?  They are pretty far and few between imo.

Grafs for the month.

If you are on Stars, don't forget to purchase the 50 billion hand bonus, $50 for 3000 fpp works out to like .0166c per fpp, which is better than anything in the store.  I got the reload bonus this month ($100) plus $50 stellar awards, plus the $50 bonus, so I have already netted $500 for this month.  Gf's birthday is coming up and I really want to buy her a new laptop (yes, we're practically married so this isn't to extravagant imo).  But I've got a lot of bills since she's still going to school and I'm trying to pay off my debts so I don't have to worry about it and can take some shots at 25nl next year.  Maybe I can win the 30k freeroll this weekend? :)  Going to try for the 100k freeroll too now that I qualify for the first time.  I think my odds are better than 1:xxxx people entering, so realistically it's a helluva lot better odds than the lottery.  Just need some run goot!!!!

last two days ~5500 hands, $57 profit so over 10BB/100.  Not bad.  I am going to be #1 this month on stars 5NL.

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